什么学生 & 校友说…
Such a wonderful environment, a lifetime experience you’ll never forget.
It was the best four years of my life! I 学习ed from some of the most amazing people. 感谢威廉希尔中国教会了我在其他任何地方都学不到的东西. It molds young ones into 尊重ful, diligent, self controlled individuals. Such a wonderful environment, a lifetime experience you’ll never forget. I still talk about when I attended there and I now have 2 kids. They were family and remain close to my heart to this day. 我对这里的人、这里的课程以及在那里度过的全部时光充满敬意. Thank you 法拉古特海军上将学院.
Amanda Mills, 5 Star Rating on 脸谱网
I 学习ed a lot, both educationally and more importantly, socially!
I 学习ed a lot, both educationally and more importantly, socially! 5年都是美好的时光. 当然, things didn’t get interesting until rank had been bestowed upon me, unfortunately not until my junior year. Those last two years though, wouldn’t trade them for all the tea in China!
克里斯托弗·卡勒,89年, 脸谱网上的5颗星评价
Farragut and the people here have transformed us...
Farragut and the people here have transformed us into a class of artists, 令人威廉希尔中国app的运动员, 有执照的飞行员, 获奖作家, slightly annoying math enthusiasts, and the most skillful leaders I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting.
Sasha DeSilva ’16 in her Valedictorian speech
Students 学习 teamwork, discipline and 尊重, just to start. 所有这些价值观都将使他们在生活中超越“人群”. 法拉格特的教育是我成长过程中最重要的一件事. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
It has been a large part of my life and was my second home.
Farragut taught me a lot of things to make me a better person. It has been a large part of my life and was my second home.
Tanupat Dunnvatanachit ' 12
Your child will never forget the experience.
I spent two years at Farragut and they were the best years of my life. I made very good friends that I still stay in contact with. 我强烈推荐这所名校,您的孩子将永远不会忘记这段经历.
Farragut is a place where leaders are made and strengthened.
Farragut is a place where leaders are made and strengthened. 我所承担的所有威廉希尔官方—威廉希尔中国领导机会都是因为我在这里.
我学会了社区意识,学会了在僵化的环境和团结的地方之间取得平衡. 这是一个地方,如果你想要推动你的潜力,你可以取得惊人的进步.
我很感激 for the four years of experience that pushed me to grow, 学习, and believe in unlimited potentials.
The faculty and staff at Farragut taught us how to think and 尊重 others.
The faculty and staff at Farragut taught us how to think and 尊重 others. That you are responsible for what you say and do. 最重要的是,我们学会了通过他们的性格和行为来判断一个人,而不是通过他们的肤色, langu年龄 they speak or their possessions.
I couldn’t imagine my kids going to another school.
在公立学校,我的大女儿总是因为无聊而说话惹上麻烦. 她已经在幼儿园读书了,所以老师们不知道该拿她怎么办, they had other kids they had to get to pass a state mandated test. 我们一年级来到法拉格特后,课程就充满了挑战和吸引力. 她还是因为说话惹了麻烦,但很快就被老师和我们处理了. Now (10th grade) she is a straight A student, 关于排球, 摔跤, 垒球队, 在读书和诗歌俱乐部, and performs in the talent shows and in plays. What other school can you do all of that? My youngest daughter came to this school at 3 1/2 years old. She is currently in 5th grade. She is my social butterfly/drama queen. 她认识学校里的每一个人,从幼儿园到12年级(学生和教职员工),因为这是一个家庭氛围. 有时,她在学业上挣扎,但她的老师从各个角度与我们合作. She reads extra with the librarians, she gets after school tutoring from the Chinese teacher, she works extra with the speech/langu年龄 specialist. She has difficulties in school but is happy, 尽管如此, because she knows that the 老师 care and want the best for her. No one makes her feel dumb or incapable. On top of all of her tutoring, my daughter is in drama and sports. What other school can provide that?
香农LoRusso, 谷歌+ 5星评级
I am thrilled my son has this amazing opportunity!
这所学校不仅有一个学习的环境,而且有一个家庭的氛围. 你希望你的孩子在这样的环境中成长,从幼儿园一直到高三.
自2006年起担任Farragut Parent
我们在这里已经11年了. 法拉格特回馈给我们孩子的一切都是惊人的!
我很高兴法拉格特帮助我儿子成为一个全面发展、自信的人. 作为寄宿生, he 学习ed to be self-sufficient, 为上大学做准备, and his participation in the 航空 Program was a real confidence booster. He earned his Private Pilot’s License, 用滑翔机带我飞上天, 甚至在高中毕业之前就开始学习他的动力飞行执照!
Parent of 7-day boarder and 2009 graduate
很棒的学校! PROUD to say my Daughter will be graduating this year. She has excelled in a tremendous way since she started there 2 years ago. Wonderful school and experience!
Bunji Fretwell, Parent of Student in Class of 2018
My children have been in the lower school for 4 years. 我们高兴极了.
My children have been in the lower school for 4 years. 我们高兴极了. 每天早上,你都能看到低年级的校长(脸上总是带着微笑)在车外排队,领着孩子们下车. She is very approachable and the students love her. 她给学校带来的威廉希尔官方—威廉希尔中国领导力和当前的教育趋势. My daughter is competing in Odyssey of the Minds, 是工程机器人专业, attends the Starfish Program, is going on a 3 day/2 night field trip to St. 奥古斯汀等. 没有多少学校能在小班授课的情况下提供这种附加课程.
– 匿名的父
我的孩子长大了 & 在威廉希尔中国开花.
我的孩子长大了 & 在威廉希尔中国开花. 威廉希尔中国提供了一个真正的、支持的、实践的、多样化的、高质量的学习环境. My only regret is that we didn’t transfer to 威廉希尔中国 years ago.
我很高兴地告诉大家,我的女儿很高兴能成为法拉格上将的学生. 她今天告诉我(当我为她的制服买更多的“装饰品”时)她今年要参加的所有伟大的活动,以及她今年想做但似乎无法适应的所有其他事情. 我不得不提醒她,这只是第一年,她还有三年的时间来适应所有的事情. She speaks very highly of the school, faculty and staff and has made a number of friends in such a short time. It seems like she knows everybody and everybody knows her. She is absolutely thrilled to be at Farragut. 感谢你们所有人,让她顺利而轻松地过渡,因为她对开始一所新学校和高中感到非常紧张. 谢谢大家!!!!! It’s going to be so exciting to watch her grow.
我儿子试过蒙特梭利、公立学校和基督教私立学校,但威廉希尔中国是迄今为止最好的. Teachers and staff are available to the cadets before and after school. 在晚上,老师在操场上辅导寄宿生. 今年有11名服务学院的学生被录取,甚至还有一名毕业生去了哈佛. 对捣乱的孩子的处理不带偏见,采用了有效的记功记过制度. Staff are available 24/7 to students and 父母. 我一直在寻找6年,这是值得每一分钱,我的儿子能够参加学校的目的-学习.
我经历过低年级和高年级,我很高兴我的孩子们在一个尊重和负责任的环境中. 我们的社会已经失去了这一点,而且越来越难找到,但在威廉希尔中国却没有. 班级规模很小,老师们不仅关心学生,而且“打破常规”,培养学生对学习的热爱. 我不知道还有哪所学校的孩子能享受到像海滨这样的便利设施, 触摸水箱, 游泳池, 16,000卷图书馆和全方位服务的食堂都在35英亩美丽的阳光明媚的佛罗里达州. 我们喜欢它!
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